No Picture for now, as the new Artistic Alchemy Laboratory is under construction. As you may or may not know, my "office" was given up as a bedroom for a house guest we had for a while, thus why so little has been achieved artistically in the past few months. No space to preform my Magic in, as well as no space to store any supplies, meant very little output of items and a complete reliance on my random challenge bags and the household recycling bin.
Since the house guest has moved away, I am now able to return to my office. However, the previous setup as a mostly bland, very cluttered, business environment was not, shall we say, "Magical" enough. So I will be taking this clean start oppertunity to set up a very juicy and well organized Lab area with a designated design and construction area for each different medium, and plenty of extra space for the insanely large or very diverse occurances.
In addition, this new room will be completely bunny friendly where the last one was not. This mostly means keeping any small bits in bunny proof bins or drawers, and including some secret tunnel networks. It also means anyone with bunny allergies will need to conduct their meetings with me in the Clubhouse by the pool or bring some kleenexes.
It will take some time to get my multitude of supplies up to it's previous (rediculous) amount, and I need to re-purchase most of my machinery and tools since most are still stranded in Missouri, but hopefully it will build back up quickly. In the meantime you will probably see a slow increase in my Output, and I'll be sure to put up some "Before, During, After" shots in an album once the room is in shop-shape.
See you then!