I'm fairly certain that this blog must feel completely abandoned by now. I suppose bi-monthly postings are a more reasonable goal for someone who seems to stay as busy as myself. As my appology gift, here is a taste of Summer a little early!
I have been trying to stay afloat in a sea of inspiration, and it has been a real chore to see everything through to the end before jumping to my latest neat new idea. All in all, I feel the effort was well worth it. This week I should be finishing up the last of the Easter items for the shop, and hope to have them posted as soon as can be managed so that your orders will arrive on time.
Several delays and issues with my current package pickup people has had packages ordered on Tuesdays not going out until the following Monday, which is simply not going to work if i manage to get my order volume up like I had been hoping for. I am switching to a different office to see if that will help speed up delivery of your new items.
Once I get the shop filled up with all my easter goodies I will be moving on to the Production phase of my new Pandemonium Fashion lines. With an added bonus that I myself didnt expect, Custom Order Swimwear! You pick what you like and give me your measurements. And if you have one of those awkward bodies like I do, I am more than happy to help you find which one is perfect for you, even going so far as to add more flattering modifications to an exsisting style you love but simply couldnt wear.
I'm hoping these will be a big splash, (forgive me) with the summer season coming up fast. Here in Tempe it has been warm enough for some time now. I am also planning on having women from the area nearby model the swimsuits for the store (yours will be brand new and made to order, so dont worry about Sharing germs) who will in exchange get to keep the swimsuit they model (approximatly a $50 value), so if you are in the area and would like participate start working on your summer tone and let me know you are interested!