Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Cutting Into the New Year

Well, a few days of crafter constipation have finally eased up.  I find that I am missing very much the vast supply of random parts and pieces associated with every known catagory of arts and crafts that I left back in Missouri.  At first I subdued to creation drive by picking through my stash of junk mail to find all those glossy ad fliers that are somewhere between paper and cardstock, and folding myself quite the collection of bins and boxes.  I ended up with many more than I needed, and only later realized that I had nothing small enough to use the boxes for.  Hindsight is 20/20 after all.  Despite my stir crazy ambitions and ideas, I had depleted my supply of recyleables and even the pantry was too empty to preform a little culinary magic. With no materials to utelize I had retired to bed to pout as if I were 5.

Three days and a trip to the thrift store later, I have been saved from my downward spiral! With all my conviction, I finally picked Rug Making as my first comeback craft for my new life here, mostly because it only required the purchase of the material, a pair of scissors, and a hula hoop, rather than an expensive set of tools and specialty supplies that would cost a ton and take days to arrive.  Little did I know, Wal Mart here has no idea what a hula hoop is.  So my rug making has been hung out to dry until I can find a toy store that knows what I'm talking about.  Until then, it would seem I have plenty of time to get my Rugging Yarn ready!  

Friday, December 26, 2008

Millinery - The adventure begins

So what does one do with a rainy afternoon, a new Random Bag full of odd large pieces of potpurri like wicker coils, fans, and skeletal leaves, and some leftover snippets of ribbon, glimmer wire, and pearl chains?

What do you mean that doesnt automatically make you think of a hat?  How odd.  I was almost certain that was the only logical use for potpurri, ribbon trimmings, and silk flowers? Hehehe.

So after scavenging the house for a simple white hat to use as the base and a silk flower with similar tone, I was set to go.  Other tools needed: hot glue gun, wooden popsicle stick to flatten and precision apply the bead of glue, allowing for more professional looking seams and lines.

And lo, a simple hour later, my Random Bag challenge is met, and I have a spiffy new hat in case I ever decide to join the ranks of the fancy hat wearing debutants and take up watching Polo and drinking champagne.

Having trouble seeing the hat? Try this picture instead!

Thursday, December 25, 2008

New Blog

So, as unusual as it may be to hear in this day and age, especially from someone in my age group... I'm new to this Blogging thing.  As that is the case, lets please bear with me as I learn how to do it properly.  

My name is Kirial Daly, age early 20s, Female, Married, Childless, Artist in every sense and manifestation of the word.  Think of Martha Stuart, but younger, sexier, no man-voice, and fun! Now that you have a basic idea of the person behind the keyboard, On to the purpose!

I felt it was high time that all these random and seemingly unrelated posts, threads, replies, and how-to pages and forum postings I was making about my art got a single consolidated home.  Thusly, the blog is born.  This way when I want to tell people about something I did, or share a recipe, I have only to toss out a link.  It also allows me to go into as much detail as I like or feel is pertinent without the worry of word limits that some of the other formats have.

I also have an etsy page (linked at the bottom of each blog) where I sell the items you get to see here.  To avoid excessive reading by people who could care less, I try to keep the descriptions of the items to a basic yet informative minimum, and if you should ever want more details as to the what, why, and how of an item you have only to see the link there that will bring you back here.  If that is how you ended up here in the first place, you already know all this I guess.

Thanks for the visit everyone, and happy holidays!