Friday, December 26, 2008

Millinery - The adventure begins

So what does one do with a rainy afternoon, a new Random Bag full of odd large pieces of potpurri like wicker coils, fans, and skeletal leaves, and some leftover snippets of ribbon, glimmer wire, and pearl chains?

What do you mean that doesnt automatically make you think of a hat?  How odd.  I was almost certain that was the only logical use for potpurri, ribbon trimmings, and silk flowers? Hehehe.

So after scavenging the house for a simple white hat to use as the base and a silk flower with similar tone, I was set to go.  Other tools needed: hot glue gun, wooden popsicle stick to flatten and precision apply the bead of glue, allowing for more professional looking seams and lines.

And lo, a simple hour later, my Random Bag challenge is met, and I have a spiffy new hat in case I ever decide to join the ranks of the fancy hat wearing debutants and take up watching Polo and drinking champagne.

Having trouble seeing the hat? Try this picture instead!

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